Auction Location: Directly across the road from 3632 S. Meridian Road (Old M-30), Merrill, MI
Legal Description: Section 28 T13N R1E S 50A of N 105 A of FRL NW 1/4.
50 Ac. +/- Productive Farmland which includes several old barns. The land is primarily Poseyville-Londo Complex and Parkhill loam soils. The owner states that the farm drains well and believes it is tiled, but has no specific tile info. The Bullock Creek Drain cuts across the NW corner of the property and the land backs up to the Vallier and Rose Br 1 Drain.
Tax Info: Parcel ID # 140-028-200-050-00. SEV $111,800, Property Class: 102, Breckenridge Schools, Mt. Haley Twp Sec. 28.