April 20th (Wednesday) - TRI-STATE Farm / Construction / Municipality EQUIPMENT Semi-Monthly Online Consignment Auction - MI, IN & OH

Bidding Opened:Thursday, April 14, 2022 4:00 pm EDT
Bidding Closed:Wednesday, April 20, 2022 7:00 pm EDT
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (16)-Yetter Row Cleaners

Item #289

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (16)-Yetter Row Cleaners
Control Number:1116
#1365567 Bids
Killbros Side Extensions for Model 350 Gravity Wagon, 2-Tarp Bows Hooks and Hardware Included, Side 10' Long, Ends 7' Wide, All 20" High, Like New, Never Used, Housed

Item #290

Killbros Side Extensions for Model 350 Gravity Wagon, 2-Tarp Bows Hooks and Hardware Included, Side 10' Long, Ends 7' Wide, All 20" High, Like New, Never Used, Housed
Control Number:1122
#773133 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Stainless Steel 1.5" Pipe, 58' Total Length, Good Condition

Item #291

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Stainless Steel 1.5" Pipe, 58' Total Length, Good Condition
Control Number:1299
#314762 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Stainless Steel 2" Pipe, 31' Total Length, Good Condition

Item #292

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Stainless Steel 2" Pipe, 31' Total Length, Good Condition
Control Number:1300
#314763 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Complete Set of Skid Plates for 30' 2020 Case IH Grain Head, Metal Plates and Plastic, the Two End Plates Need New Plastic

Item #293

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Complete Set of Skid Plates for 30' 2020 Case IH Grain Head, Metal Plates and Plastic, the Two End Plates Need New Plastic
Control Number:1132
#515601 Bid
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Hydraulic Multiplier Kit, Works Great

Item #294

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Hydraulic Multiplier Kit, Works Great
Control Number:1206
#830530 Bids
Complete Set of Stalk Rolls for John Deere 608 Corn Head, 16-Rolls, Early Serial Number, Excellent Condition

Item #295

Complete Set of Stalk Rolls for John Deere 608 Corn Head, 16-Rolls, Early Serial Number, Excellent Condition
Control Number:1233
#5233197 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! S-Series John Deere Bucket Chain for Clean Grain

Item #296

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! S-Series John Deere Bucket Chain for Clean Grain
Control Number:1252
#790811 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! 3" Electric Pump, Very Heavy Built, Motor Runs, but Does Not Pump, Possibly Needs New Seals in Pump

Item #297

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! 3" Electric Pump, Very Heavy Built, Motor Runs, but Does Not Pump, Possibly Needs New Seals in Pump
Control Number:1302
#468591 Bid
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Rolling Shields, 10-Rows

Item #298

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Rolling Shields, 10-Rows
Control Number:1253
#55994 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Row Cleaners, Dawn Brand, 36-Rows

Item #299

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Row Cleaners, Dawn Brand, 36-Rows
Control Number:1254
#3193999 Bids
(12)-Yetter Fertilizer Openers, Blades Measure 16 3/4", Good Condition

Item #300

(12)-Yetter Fertilizer Openers, Blades Measure 16 3/4", Good Condition
Control Number:1257
#636036 Bids
(12)-Lankota Stalk Stompers with Brackets for John Deere 612C on 22" Spacing, Two of the Units are Damaged and Missing Springs

Item #301

(12)-Lankota Stalk Stompers with Brackets for John Deere 612C on 22" Spacing, Two of the Units are Damaged and Missing Springs
Control Number:1258
#2366363 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Multitrac IT 12.4x38 Tractor Tire at 80%, Includes Tube

Item #302

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Multitrac IT 12.4x38 Tractor Tire at 80%, Includes Tube
Control Number:1261
#59119 Bids
(4)-Goodyear Radial DT800 380/90R50 Tires Only, No Rims, Approx. 40% Tread

Item #303

(4)-Goodyear Radial DT800 380/90R50 Tires Only, No Rims, Approx. 40% Tread
Control Number:1230
#4613321 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-30.5L-32 Non-Matching Tires, One has a Crack in the Sidewall

Item #304

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-30.5L-32 Non-Matching Tires, One has a Crack in the Sidewall
Control Number:1131
#2465020 Bids
Michelin Cerexbib VF 520/80R26 at 80% Tread

Item #305

Michelin Cerexbib VF 520/80R26 at 80% Tread

Control Number:1111
#1920577 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-Creep Feeders:  1-Wood, 1-Steel, Both Work Well for Sheep or Other Young Livestock

Item #306

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-Creep Feeders: 1-Wood, 1-Steel, Both Work Well for Sheep or Other Young Livestock
Control Number:1311
#2147042 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-John Deere 720-730 Clam Shell Fenders from a 730, Good Condition

Item #307

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! (2)-John Deere 720-730 Clam Shell Fenders from a 730, Good Condition
Control Number:1052
#1110338 Bids

Item #308


Control Number:1040
#3809682 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Keewanee Row Crop Cultivator, Disassembled in Crate

Item #309

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Keewanee Row Crop Cultivator, Disassembled in Crate
Control Number:1021
#2394345 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Row Cleaners for No-Till Orthman Cultivator, 8-Row

Item #310

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Row Cleaners for No-Till Orthman Cultivator, 8-Row
Control Number:1017
#3294313 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Front Floater Axle Off of GMC TopKick Spreader, Goodyear Terra Tires 48x25.00-20

Item #311

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Front Floater Axle Off of GMC TopKick Spreader, Goodyear Terra Tires 48x25.00-20
Control Number:1079
#2079242 Bids
This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Set of (4)-27x8.5-15 Solid Pneumatic Tires on Rims, 4 1/2" Hub, 6-Bolt, 3" Between Bolt Holes, Came Off a John Deere 90 Skid Steer

Item #312

This item Selling ABSOLUTE! Set of (4)-27x8.5-15 Solid Pneumatic Tires on Rims, 4 1/2" Hub, 6-Bolt, 3" Between Bolt Holes, Came Off a John Deere 90 Skid Steer
Control Number:1077
#1110343 Bids
(2)-BKT 320/90R54 Tires on Dual Rims, Tires are 95%, Less than 500 Hours on Ground, Rims are Yellow on One Side, Silver on the Other, Recently Came Off John Deere 8120

Item #313

(2)-BKT 320/90R54 Tires on Dual Rims, Tires are 95%, Less than 500 Hours on Ground, Rims are Yellow on One Side, Silver on the Other, Recently Came Off John Deere 8120
Control Number:1010
#982590 Bids